Monday, November 21, 2005


Hi I'm a Chinese person living in Singapore and I stumbled upon your blog... enjoyed reading it and learning about your country's ethnic history.

Firstly I agree that your people, the Aryan Persians, have been unfairly stereotyped in Hollywood, especially when being portrayed as another race (ie:- dark-skinned, etc). The filmmakers in Hollywood should do more research, but you know they don't usually care about such things ;).

Secondly, if the entire Persian empire used to be Aryan, why are Aryan Persians a minority in Iran today? Is it because many of the original Aryan Persians intermarried with the other races?

Lastly, I was surprised to find you stating on your blog that Aryan culture was involved in China. I'm curious as to what Aryans have to do with China, its culture and history?


Persians were a minority in ancient times. And they are a minority now.
Yes. check on Tocharian for Aryans in China.

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