Friday, November 18, 2005

Iranian Race

"There are more and more ridiculous claims by African/Negroes about the racial origin of people throughout the world. THe level of ignorance among black Americans simply amazes me to go and suggest all this nonsense about Indians, Persians etc...being African!!!!!"

It's not so much ignorance; it's more a case of "I don't like who I am, so I'm just going to spread myself around to other people so I can feel better." A very common phenomenon among US minorities, I might add.

"First and foremost, African Negroes played ABSOLUTELY NO PART in the history and culture of Asia (or Egypt for that matter)."

Egypt may have been a "joint effort", if you will, as there are skeletal remains from ancient Egypt with clearly Negroid features, and upper Egypt is known to have been significantly Negroid. What role the Negroes played in Egypt is still up in the air; however, the evidence suggests that Egypt was predominantly a Mediterranean (as in race) civilization. My own opinion is that a people akin to the Minoans had something to do with it, and that these Minoans were of the Atlanto-Mediterranean racial type that is common today in Crete, the Aegean, the Balkans, and northern Italy.

"By around 10 000 years ago, the racial mixture of the copper-skinned so-called Irano-Afghan race (a Mediterranean race somewhat related to southern Italians, Greeks, dark Iberians etc...)...."

There isn't much relation between Irano Afghans and these other groups. I-A's are a very old Middle-Eastern stock that is insignificant west of the Caucasus. Further, Greeks are quite different from southern Italians and Spaniards; mainland Greece (racially) is more a part of the Central European sphere; it is predominantly Alpine and Dinaric. On Crete exists the second-tallest people in Europe--a clan called "Sphakiotes"--which might be an ancient Upper-Paleolithic remnant similar to the Ghegs of Albania and Montenegro. Also, in Greece, the dominant Med. strain is the taller, more-robust Atlanto-Mediterranean and not the more-gracile variety one encounters west. Greeks are closest genetically, I believe, to West-Balkan groups, especially Albanians.

"1)the Nordic race, clearly illustrated on glazed brick art work from the palace of Shush in southern Iran depicting blond haired, blue or green eyed Achamenid soldiers as well as ancient descriptions of Sarmatian and Scythians as a blond, tall and ruddy skinned race. Nordics are Mesocephalic, about 6 feet tall with blond or red hair and blue or blue/grey eyes"

True Nordics are tall, pink skinned, yellow haired, very dolichocephalic, and have steel-blue eyes. I have yet to see an Iranian who fits this description (and I've seen thousands of Iranians in my lifetime). Also, hair/eye blondism occurs in Mediterranean and Alpine groups as well, so it alone can't be used to determine "Nordic" ancestry.

"2) Armenoid or Pamir/Ferghanna type constituting a native physical type originally from the Caucasus that migrated to Central Asia some 4500-5000 years ago and became mixed with the Nordic Aryans around 4000 years ago during their descent into Central Asia and Iran. These people have fair skin but black hair and brown or hazel eyes, stand about 5'9" in height and have bracycephalic skulls, similar to the Alpine and Dinaric types of Central and Balkanic Europe."

Armenoids are simply a stable blend of Irano-Afghans and Alpines. They are an example of the principle of Dinaricization: wherever a broad-headed group mingles with a dolichocephalic group (in the correct proportions) the offspring will be born with a very broad head, occipital flattening, a convex nose, and generally an upside-down-triangle-shaped head. On that note, the Dinarics proper are a blend of Alpine and Atlanto-Mediterranean, and Alpine-Nordic crosses are called "Norics." Also, an Armenoid somewhere in the Middle-East doesn't necessarily have ancestry from the Caucasus; he could just as easily have formed locally, given what I said above.

I would like to add that nobody knows, as of yet, what the race of the Indo-Europeans was, or even if there were true Indo-Euopean invasions for that matter. It is likely that there weren't invasions at all, at least as most people like to think of them, and that most ethnicities are the result of certain races radiating from their centers of origin and overlapping with each other. It is my personal opinion that "Indo-European" languages are nothing more than the result of Alpines radiating out from above the Black Sea and mingling with other groups.

Most romantic invasion/migration theories are simply made up to suite the agendas of their respective theorists. Nazis wanted to make the German people feel they were important; Afrocentrists are trying to raise their low self-esteem that's the result of a history of non-achievement and being subjugated by others; and, with all due respect, Iranians with their "Aryan heritage" are just trying to become white (even turning against their own darker countrymen to do so) in a world that will probably never view them as such--sad.

"To conclude, one cannot simply classify the entire Iranian nation in one single race. I am white, my mother has red hair and my brother in law is Dravidian looking. My paternal grandfather had copper complexion with brown eyes while my maternal grandfather had light brown hair and green eyes (and looked German!). There are Iranians who can't be told apart from northern Europeans like Germans and British while others can easily pass as Italian/Spanish, Oriental or even Indian (East Indian).Genes however never disapear (Havey-Weinberg law) and regardless, always resurface in teh living population after one or more generations."

Don't kidd yourself; anyone with good intelligence can spot a typical Iranian--even a "blonde" one--in a crowd. I know I can. I've caught Persians (and Arabs too) trying to pass themselves off as southern Europeans before. There's this Italian guy at my work who looks so-NOT Iranian (he just has black hair), yet I've seen Persians actually come up and ask him if he was Iranian!@*!!??? You should have seen the looks on peoples' faces! I'm Greek, and I have many times overheard Iranians tell people things like "oh, Iranians are similar to Greeks....", "we're a lot like Greeks....", etc. That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, and I (and probably most Greeks) find that very offensive. Of course, when mistaken for an Arab (which happens a lot) my Iranian friends (sorry guys if you're reading this, but you know it's true) will throw a fit. "I'M FROM IRAN" they scream (as if an American knows the difference anyway), "I'M WHITE!!!!", yada yada yada.

"In a racial sense, Iranians can be Mediterranean, European (White), Australoid or Dravidian, or Mongoloid/Oriental. Skin color ranges from ruddy white to brown and black. Eyes range from blue to green, grey and brown. Height ranges from 5'4 to 6'4. Hair ranges frmo platinum and ash blond to light brown, dark brown, black with reddish hues or black with bluish hues."

You can draw these distinctions, but again, your average American on the street can spot an Iranian of any race from a mile away. You seem a lot like most Iranians I know: you want to be white so bad that you end up a racist (even against your own people), and you delude yourself into thinking you look just like any other European--trust me, you don't, and all the plastic surgery, hair dye, and European clothing I see in the Iranian community here fools nobody (except yourselves). I can honestly say that the most racist people I know are Iranians, and it's very sad to see astonishingly racist behavior from people who are treated like dogs (and definitely considered non-white) in Europe and the US. If you are a racist (as I suspect you are) you should (1) be ashamed of yourself and (2) realize that most won't consider you white in a million years. Iranians are a beautiful, unique blend of ethnicities, and you should be proud of this, rather than play it down and make divisions in order to convince yourselfe that you are white.

Oslonor Comments: There are many Persians who do not fit into Azeri-Iranian stereotype. Just check my blog and compare Azeris with Persians.

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